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Welcome to NDAP International Conference

The NDAP 2008 Annual International Conference will be held at the Technology Building, National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan from 18 to 20 March 2008. The Conference is organized by the National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan.

The "National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan" (NDAP, Taiwan) was first launched in 2002. Its objective is to promote and coordinate content digitization and preservation at leading museums, archives, universities, research institutes, and other content holders in Taiwan. Over the past few years, the NDAP has generated approximately 250 Terabytes of digitized content (with 5 millions Items and 269 Websites/Databases) from 16 thematic groups ranging from Anthropology to Zoology.

The NDAP has started its Second Phase since 2007. In the Second Phase NDAP Program will continue to extend the Taiwan Digital Archives, to make our digital collections easily accessible to people both in Taiwan and abroad, to support the formation and development of a knowledge-based society, and to bring Taiwan to the forefront in the digital era. Furthermore, we will set up a long-term plan to promote NDAP by adopting advanced ICTs such as Web 2.0, creating a sustainable business model, cooperating with the public and private content holders, and establishing partnerships with international community.

The NDAP International Conference provides a forum to encourage and facilitate the interaction, collaboration, and dialogues among the specialists in digital archives from different countries. The Conference will include presentations, such as introduction and demonstration of NDAP, the status and prospect of Phase II, new applications of digital museums, libraries and archives, technologies developed, intellectual property rights and licensing issues, development of Web 2.0 and its implications, preservation, biodiversity, etc. It offers an opportunity for the community to meet, share, and learn from each other. By exchanging experiences of best practices on how to develop digital preservation technology and applications, this Conference would provide the Digital Archive community with invaluable insights for future collaboration.


  National Digital Archives Program