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Conference Information


The NDAP International Conference will be held at the Technology Building, National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan.


There are two options for the Conference: Howard Plaza Hotel and Howard Plaza International House. Incoming requests will be processed on a first come - first served basis. Reservations will only be confirmed if the credit card guarantee or one-night deposit has been received. Participants will receive a confirmation of the hotel reservation with full details of the hotel after the receipt of their hotel guarantee.

Alteration requests and cancellations must be made in writing to Ms. Livia Chen (livia@convention.com.tw) by 10th March 2008. In case of "no-show", the charges equal to one-night accommodation fee will be debited by the hotel.

Howard Plaza
160 Jen-ai Rd., Taipei
Tel: 886-2-2700-2323
NT$ 3,900
(Breakfast and tax included)
NT$ 4,350
(Breakfast and tax included)
Howard International House
30, Hsin Sheng South Road Sec. 3, Taipei
Tel: 886-2-8369-1155
NT$ 3,100
(Breakfast and tax included)
NT$ 3,300
(Breakfast and tax included)

(Reference Exchange Rate: NTD: USD = 33 : 1)

How to get to the designated hotels from the Tao-yuan International Airport
Airport - HotelVehicles
Howard Plaza HotelBus: Take Air Bus (NT$ 145) to the Howard Plaza Hotel
Taxi (NT$ 1,500~1,800)
Howard International HouseTaxi (NT$ 1,300~1,500)


Fourteen-day visa-free privileges are afforded to citizens of 20 countries. Eligible countries for application are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, the Netherlands (Holland), Portugal, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, U.K, U.S.A. and Switzerland.

Thirty-day landing visas are afforded to citizens of 23 countries. Eligible countries for application are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, the Netherlands (Holland), Poland, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A.


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